Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lincoln vs. Douglas it ain't...

But I guess everyone has to start somewhere. And seriously, what's gonna get a few hundred geeky high school students more riled up than a debate on the above? I assume you can't read the fine print, so here it is for your amusement:

"Seattle high school students invite fans of all ages to attend this major debate at The Seattle Public Library, Central Library-Level 1, Microsoft Auditorium on Saturday, March 21 from 4 pm to 5:30 pm. Special snacks for vamps and wizards! Trivia! Prizes! Only one series will emerge as the winner! The Great Debate is sponsored by Seattle Public Library and Team Read (www.teamread.org).

I'm almost tempted to go, if only to see the hordes of kids who I'd love to visualize turning up to cheer their side on. Will fights break out in the hallway? Will they be quoting solely from their beloved texts or from literary journals? Will box office pull factor into the mix?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This doesn't seem like a fair fight. Harry's been around longer (hasn't he?) and has more text and more movies. I realize we're talking about teenagers so fair fight isn't likely to come up much, but still.